iHub Exhibit for March and April 2023

Featured Artist: Kate Bozio

Kate Bozio is the featured member artist for March and April in the Art Niche at the Innovation Hub (UMass Lowell at Harbor Place, 2 Merrimack Street, Haverhill).

The Art Niche is open to the public during regular iHub hours, weekdays 9:00 - 5:00. You can contact Stephanie at email Stephanie_Guyotte@uml.edu or phone 978-934-5560 for more access information if needed.

“Two Sunflowers” by Kate Bozio

More from Kate:

“I have always enjoyed creating as it centered and grounded me. I studied art for a year at Salve Regina University and then transferred to University of Massachusetts. Upon transferring I also changed majors; I still continued to draw and create as I never lost the passion. I realized I needed to return to the art community as it was always my first love. My emotions are ingrained within the brush strokes of each piece. You can follow the journey of my life through the artwork I have created. I hope that it brings as much joy to those who view it as it brings me in creating it.”

You can see more of Kate’s artwork on her website: https://kbozfineart.com/

“Feather” by Kate Bozio


Art Field Trip - Purple Sage Pottery


Meet the Artist: Heather Karp