iHub Exhibit for September and October 2022

Featured Artist: Kathleen Hartley

Kathleen Hartley is the featured member artist for September and October in the Art Niche at the Innovation Hub (UMass Lowell at Harbor Place, 2 Merrimack Street, Haverhill).

The Art Niche is open to the public during regular iHub hours, weekdays 8:30 - 5:00. You can contact Stephanie at email Stephanie_Guyotte@uml.edu or phone 978-934-5560 for more access information if needed.

Kathleen works in acrylic and mixed media and uses the natural world as her guide. You can see more of Kathleen’s work on her Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kathhartleyart

“Summer Peace” by Kathleen Hartley

More from Kathleen about her work:

Thirty years is a long time to defer an artistic calling, but that is what I did as a public school art teacher.

While it is true that I spent those years honing the craft of art, and collecting the passions and ideas of art, I made the decision to set aside my artist persona in favor of teacher.

I have no regrets, but now I am an Artist. The year of the pandemic gave me time and space to develop a focus, with no pressure to perform and no expectations from others.

I found my voice almost immediately, and my subject.

The world around me, here in Georgetown, speaks to me and inspires me as a source of visual imagery and as a spiritual guide. The natural world and our interior worlds seem to be two sides of the same coin. The stillness of a cat napping in a winter sunbeam reminds me to live in the moment. Birdwatching in the early spring reminds me that we all live one moment to the next.

This is my subject and I hope that my paintings will help people remember that nature is our connection to Life.

“Local Big Daddy” by Kathleen Hartley

“Sanderlings on Plum Island” by Kathleen Hartley


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